Investing in Mental Wealth – Love Drinks

Investing in Mental Wealth

Jan 9th, 2019

Your brain is the most complicated organ in your body. It’s a staggering biological masterpiece, able to process more information than the most powerful supercomputer all without you having to think about it. It controls every part of your body, allows you to love, and cry, ride a bicycle and imagines the incredible that’s allowed our civilization to advance with such rapidity.

Yet most of us spend more time taking care of our teeth than we do our brains and worry more about the number on the scales than the health of our minds.

Whilst there’s no magic pill, no quick hack or special trick that will make you invincible or fix all your problems, like anything worthwhile in life, it takes time, effort and dedication, but the rewards of investing in your mental health are more than worth the effort.

We all know how bad we can feel when we don’t get enough sleep, it’s like we’re on an emotional rollercoaster and we struggle to find the clarity to think clearly. Focusing on getting enough, good quality sleep is an absolute must when it comes to maintaining good mental health. So

We are what we eat as the saying goes, and when it comes to our mental health it is absolutely true. Eat crap and you’ll feel like crap, but eat nutritious plants, vegetables and unprocessed foods that promote good brain function and you’ll find yourself feeling more positive and energetic with a clarity of mind.

Whilst we think of exercise as a physical endeavour but it is as good for the mind as it is for the body. Exercise releases a flood of feel-good endorphins into our brains increases neural growth, reduces inflammation, and creates new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being.

And finally, life isn’t perfect and things won’t always be amazing. You will have days when it seems like a struggle and this is when you need to lean on your friends, your family and those who support you. You are there for your friends when they need you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help, reach out to them and let them bear some of your load for a while. You’d do exactly the same for them.

Goslings Global Brand Ambassador Emily Gosling has some great advice and thoughts about living a balanced life whilst working in this amazing industry of ours.

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