LфVE WELL – Love Drinks


We have been operating for 11 years with a firm insistence on putting our people first. Whether it be our Team, our Brand Partners, or our Customers, we have chosen to work with people who share this perspective. This has not been a conscious decision but rather, a very natural way of working. Over time it has become increasingly important to embrace a holistic approach to working life. Love Drinks is 100% independent and owner managed, and our ambitions are not limited to profits. We aim to nurture and support a healthy team, which in turn will also support us as a company. I have realised that the way we operate is very people-centric and this is a style that I believe is essential and will support long-term success.

I feel passionate that there is no other distributor in the UK who promotes health and well-being and we hope to inspire our partners. We have invested in a new platform entitled LфVE WELL, an initiative that makes our people-first focus official. LфVE WELL is a simple equation ‘Love Drinks + Living well = LфVE WELL’.

To launch LфVE WELL we have teamed up with Healthy Hospo, the first company dedicated to improving health and wellness in such an exciting industry.  They embrace a similar attitude to us with regards to sustaining a stable workforce: that you can choose both hospitality and health. Contrary to some people’s beliefs, the two are not mutually exclusive. LфVE WELL will be our official platform to talk about health and happiness and share our wellbeing activities. We do not believe that you need to compromise on wellness in the drinks business and we hope to circulate this message.

We have also started a partnership with MiBODY fitness. This independent like-minded business focuses on the mental benefits of a fun, challenging workout amidst the fresh outdoors. We are committed to working with our partners to offer this as an incentive to kick start fitness, so watch this space!

LфVE WELL is our point of difference to encourage more health-conscious individuals into the industry, and to inspire those that are not. At Love Drinks, positive well-being is about health and happiness.  Tangible sales and profits are not the only measures for success. We have introduced a ‘happiness metric’ within our organization as a reminder for people to check in with themselves and re-centre. As a team we have planned events in our diary to improve our wellness: a day off on our birthday, a monthly masseuse to the office, boot camp sessions with our resident fitness instructor Jessie (our office manager), and more structured sessions for our partners to join, in collaboration with MiBODY Fitness. Some of us are also taking part in Tough Mudder this year and we have enjoyed attending countless fitness challenges and festivals over the years. We believe that those who train together stay together.

For me, leading this passionate team has its joys and challenges, so time away from this is best spent being led instead by my four-legged best friend. Frank is my trusty French Bulldog who embodies love and relaxation and secures my happiness every day.

‘I’m extremely excited to partner with Kirsty and the team at Love Drinks on this pioneering project. I love their commitment to health and wellness, both as a company and individually and bringing this to life comes from the heart of everyone at the company so I couldn’t think of a better partner to help with our mission to build a healthier, happier hospitality industry here in the UK.’ – Tim Etherington-Judge – Founder, Healthy Hospo