How Important Is Your Morning To You?
Feb 13th, 2019

We often live our lives in a cycle of routine, still bespoke to yourself it often has similar guidelines to the next person. Wake up, brush your teeth, get dressed and of course that essential coffee. The day goes by and soon we forget what day it even is as they quickly roll into months and in a blink it’s the count down to Christmas.
But in that routine what did you do today to help yourself mentally? Sometimes we become so caught in the web of survival we forget how important it is to mentally prepare. How imperative it is to clear your thoughts of yesterday and start today positively. Starting your morning with a moment for yourself not only helps you reconnect but also allows you to work more efficiently in your daily tasks.
But I have no time? How can I meditate or sit with my diary when I only have 30 minutes to get ready, I already wake up at 6.30?
I hear this often…
The thing we sometimes fail to realise is we make time when we feel things are significant to us and just as crucial it is to catch that 7 am train, it is to catch that early morning moments. Taking deep breathes whether in silence or with your flavor of music, organising and delegating your time rather than just following the routine, light exercising or creating a breakfast that is more nutritional and healthier then that quick grab cereal bar can make all the difference. You will soon find everyday has a purpose with better direction and every day is that bit clearer.
Still struggling? Here are some morning rituals to try:
- Visualise– The moment you wake, sit up and close your eyes. Take long deeps breathes and envision your day. Reflect and dig deep for positive happy thoughts.
- Listen– Listen to what makes you feel good, whether it’s a motivational speech or Bill Withers Lovely day. Be in the moment and listen to what makes your mind smile.
- My Gratitude List– Each morning write five things you are thankful for, fold it away in your pocket and throughout the day re-read and reinstall what you are grateful for.
- Workout– you don’t need a gym to get yourself moving. Push yourself to do 20 sit ups/squats/press ups/burpees… the list goes on for body weight exercises to get you moving in the morning.
- Prepare– whether its organising your diary or your lunch. Spend the morning doing something that mentally feels like an accomplishment to start your day off and then give yourself a big fat tick.
Do you have anything special that helps you to clear your head before or after a busy day?

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