The Importance of Connecting with Others
Mar 13th, 2019

Whether its friends, family or a well-loved pet we understand at Love Drinks the importance of connecting with others. Keeping the mind active and responsive rather than isolated develops the human mind to explore, love and create.
There is no guideline to how building relationships with others matters, everyone in this world has their own needs of receiving and giving interaction. I am someone who truly values my family and would find it difficult to function without seeing them on a weekly basis. Whereas, Chris has the courage to live on the other side of the country from his and connects through friends and work colleagues. Then you have our Chief Happiness Officer, Kirsty, whose bond with her dogs is like the love of a mother to their child.
We use the building of relationships to build ourselves, we learn from others the tools needed to be better versions of our current state and what we don’t want to be. It is not only through education that history is received, we learn the right from wrongs from everyday movement, body language, verbal exchange and physical touch.
Equally taking time for yourself is a must and being in the moment as anxiety is said to be caused by living in the past and the present. Being a part of the Love Drinks team, we understand the values of our work, ourselves and each other. We also understand that with work there is needed playtime. That is why we have monthly MiBODY fitness sessions, karaoke nights and sales team dinners.
It’s all about balance!

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