#FitnessFebruary – Love Drinks


Feb 6th, 2019

Almost hard to believe that we’re already done with one month of 2019. #DryJanuary aka #Veganuary is over and it’s time to put abstinence back in its box for a while and kick things into top gear.

In the name of this ridiculous trend of rebranding all months, as well as the ones in January we have #DryJuly, #MoVember, #SoberOctober, #LipTember (raising awareness for mental health illness in women) and #Vapril (Vaping awareness month, I shit you not) and #Febuhairy, so we’ve decided that this February, is going to be #FitnessFebruary.

#FitnessFebruary is about kicking your ass into gear than anything else. Over the past few months, most of us have been slack, struggling to kick the Christmas period laziness and get things back on track. It’s time to change this.

So what is #FitnessFebruary? It’s a personal fitness challenge where you don’t need to give anything up, grow unattractive facial hair or pour ice cold water over your head. There’s no charity involved, no fundraising to worry about. Just set yourself a personal goal, keep it up every day for the next month and bask in the benefits that regular exercise brings.

So, for the rest of February, we’re going to challenge you to kickstart your fitness into a higher gear.

If you’re not a fitness bunny, February is the shortest month of the year by 2 whole days, so this is the easiest month to do it. If you like to keep in shape, use the next 28 days to challenge yourself to achieve something new like learning to handstand or wheelie your bicycle, or perhaps get back into a sport you’ve stopped doing or really kickstart your fitness for the year.

Use the #FitnessFebruary  #LiveWell and #HealthyHospo hashtags and tag us @love_drinks_ltd and @healthyhospo into any posts you put up on social media.

What are you waiting for? Stop reading and start sweating!


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