What You Eat is What You Get – Love Drinks

What You Eat is What You Get

Mar 27th, 2019

It is no surprise to anyone with how conscious the world has become about image that over eating and over indulging not just effects your health but also your state of mind. It has been scientifically proven that putting unhealthy fats into your body consistently plays with your emotions not just your weight gain.

Now I am a huge chocoholic which I doubt will ever be an addiction I can overcome. In saying this, no one should feel bad for indulging in their favourite treats in moderation. That is why I give myself set goals and task to complete to ensure I am not only satisfying my guilty pleasures, but I am also fuelling my body with the nutrition and vitamins it needs.

One of my tricks are for every chocolate bar I eat, I will equally eat some fruit or veg and drink a glass of water. You find when keeping yourself hydrated you won’t want to demolish the entire family size Cadburys, but more so the lunch pack treat.

Sometimes I find it unbearable the thought of attending the gym after a long week so for my mental health I need to feel I have eaten well to avoid the guilt of not releasing those endorphins. Salads, soups and hummus dipping veggies are a usual lunchtime treat…. Why not give it a go, after all sandwiches can get boring.

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